Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gloom, gloom, go away

The weather here lately has been horrible. The wind, the rain, the cold, the gloom. It sucks! I want pretty fall weather! Hopefully it will come soon. Well, it's been a while since I've blogged, so I'm gonna try to fill you in on everything. I had a test in my Intro to CSD class, and my Phonetic Transcription and Phonology class. I feel like I did pretty well on both of them. I'll probably get the CSD one back tomorrow. I also had my first Spanish test, last week? Yeah, not so good on that. But I did have a quiz the other day and I got a 95 on it, much better. In Spanish, we had to do a show and tell, and I "showed and telled" pictures of Lillian, and my cousins. I don't know when I'll get the grade for that. I have an oral exam coming up this week too, which means I don't have class! Yay! In most of my classes, I have a lot of days when I don't have to go, either because of seminars, or it's "upperclassmen only", which is great. Fall Break starts on Friday. I have a lot planned out for that.

I have my flute audition on the day I get back from fall break. I'm nervous, because everyone else in that band is really good. I'm going to audition on a song that I've already played, but I'm not sure which one. I have to keep up on my practicing before that audition. I really want to get in, half because they go to New York in the spring, and half because, I just do.

On my birthday, Gordon took me out to "The Old Jaol". It's this fancy restaurant, and it's expensive. He wouldn't let me know how much he spent. It meant a lot to me :) I hope to make it up to him one day.

I have two papers due this week. One is a Spanish letter to a friend about an event in the past. I think I'm just going to write about swing dancing. The other is a position paper for my racism class. I think I'll write that one today.

Let's Dance! has been going very well. My treasurer duties are being fulfilled haha. We're looking into ways to spend our money, and it's all flowing very well.

So, the Perkin's Loan people changed their "loan forgiveness" things the other day. Apparently, if you're a Speech Pathologist, the only way you can have your loan forgiven is if you work in the schools. I really don't want to work in the schools, but if it gets rid of my loans, it might only be a short time period, like a year. Who knows, I may end up liking it. I also learned that to become an SLP, you have to go through a year of supervised therapy before you get your C's. I'm going to look up what the C's stand for. Found it! "Certificate of Clinical Competency". Now I know.

I just copied an invoice and check for someone who got married in Kauke Arch! How beautiful would that be?! Especially if they both went to Wooster ;)! But I'm not implying anything lol. But that is such a great idea. It would have to be a summer wedding, that's for sure.

So, I have a Racism seminar today. Black women in the 1950's or something like that. I'm all about the 50's, as is already known. Then there's a catered lunch afterward, which is just sandwiches, and that stuff. I was thinking about going to Spanish Table in Lowry. I really need to work on my conversational Spanish, but I'm not very motivated to go. I think I should stay in and write my papers.

Okay, I think that's all for now. Back to my Spanish play!

I found a picture of a wedding at Kauke. I don't know these people....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Finally getting to right, feels so write

I've had this insane want to write this week. I didn't really have any papers, or any homework for that matter, and therefore my life is boring. Speaking of classes, so far I'm doing fairly well in Spanish. I have to give a "show and tell" presentation this Friday. It has to be at least 3 minutes long, so I'm talking about Lillian, and possibly my sister/cousins. Hopefully I think of enough to say. I think I'm going to succeed heavily in my Phonetics class as well. I really like it, and I think I'm very good at it. Plus, my Intro to CSD and Phonetics classes sometimes learn the same things, so it's easy. I'm finding that I'm having trouble with my writing, or typing. Like, I'm not using correct morphology. It's weird....I just need to review my papers like crazy now.

Our Power Triple of Doom is booming. We have a lot of silly times, almost every night in fact. Some things may be changing though, and I guess they're for the best. We'll see how everything goes. I also need to catch up with Bron. We're gonna have a girls night eventually.

Work is going well. I'm getting 8 hours in weekly, and next week I might have a few more. I'm going to try to take advantage of "we need people in these hours for this day". I like money, what can I say.

Let's Dance! is going really well. We have A LOT of people. No lie. I'm going to see if we need to re-allocate some money, or try to get more from Campus Council. I'm hoping to get pretty good this year. We're learning Lindy-Hop this semester. Yay! Something else to add to my repertoire.

I'm seriously considering going to Spain now. I get really into it, then one little thing draws me back to not going. The pros outweigh the cons, so I'm going to end up applying in the long run.

I've been turning into the jealous girlfriend a lot lately. Gordon is like the male version of me. He has all kinds of opposite sex friends, and I need to accept that. I still get kind of jealous though, when he dances with Bron, or tries to learn new moves with her. He's also been making lunch dates with other girls (I guess, lunch appointments would be better). But I'm getting over it. Half of it was hormones anyway. I'm not bitching about it. I'm just letting it all out.

I can't wait for parents weekend, so I can finally meet his parents. Then they can meet mine too! Fun fun.

I wish I could write more, because there's really stuff that I wish I could write about, but I can't yet. Eventually, it will all come out. When it's allowed to.

My family is coming down this weekend to take me and Gordon out for our birthdays. Yay! Plus I get to get all of my stuff that I forgot at home, and then some!

My birthday is next week :)

p.s. I decided my profile is kinda boring and I want to add to it, but I don't know what. Oh well!