Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back, and it feels so good

I'm back at Woo!!! I'm really happy to be back, but the first couple of days were kind of awkward with Gordon. I'm not sure why, but we just kind of fell out of the relationship loop. Needless to say, we got right back into the flow. We went shopping at Southpark and Gordon bought a nice jacket, and an awesome flannel :) Then we went and saw Sherlock Holmes (I love Jude Law!), and exchanged Christmas presents finally! He got me a jasmine candle, House season 4 (love!), a really pretty watch, and surprised me and himself with a dainty little mother of pearl ring. I was contento <3

Classes have been going pretty well. I learned that my Spanish class is a writing intensive class, so that's three of those under my belt, but whatever. I like taking Spanish classes. I just hate group work! I never used to mind it, but it's just awkward and not really fun. Quant started off pretty well, hopefully I'll do well in the class because apparently it's not very easy. Geology of Natural Hazards has been going kind of slowly, but it should pick up. I start clinic with a client next week! Yay! G.K. are the initials. I'm going to go read the file today and see what I'm in for! Band is going okay. Some of the songs are pretty difficult for me. Maybe I should start practicing...

Let's Dance has been going slowly. Aaron gave Gordon a metaphorical stern kick to the shin last night. It was a telling to that was building up and needed to come out eventually. I mean, other people had been noticing exactly what Aaron had said, so I guess everyone was seeing it but me. I'm going to try to help Gordon as much as possible, but not to the point where he's "not doing anything". I'm going to maybe add "Let's Dance Secretary" onto my resume haha. I just want everything to work out for everybody. It's hard to lead a group with busy schedules. Tango lessons are hopefully going to be starting soon. I also need to hang up our swing lessons sign and maybe look for some new moves.

I've come down with some sort of cold. It needs to go away now.

We're going to see Bron in "Songs for a New World" this weekend. Me thinks it will be good :)

I'll add more later if need be. Off to do actual work.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Roses are red, Violets are blue, F*%k you, whore.

I am VERY VERY distraught. So distraught that I am legit on the verge of tears, and this isn't even my problem. Katie and James are going through this shit hole of a battle with each other. I don't even know what else to call it because thats all that it really is. I'm not going to explain the whole thing because that would take hours. All I have to say is that I gave my advice, and my opinion, and I just want Katie to be happy.

I am against the whole getting back with James, because last time she was eventually miserable. I know that they have an undying affection for each other, but if you're going to be miserable, why do it? I don't think it would be much different this time either. They both have the exact same personalities as they did before, and as an outside viewer, I don't think they mesh well, at all. She's too independent, he's too clingy. He demands what she can't always provide.

Don't get me wrong, they were happy together, but I also heard a lot of complaining, from both sides mind you. I think it's hard for a couple that was together for that long, and with feelings like that, to completely see the bad side of what was going on. We just watched "500 Days of Summer" and the main characters sister even said that when he's looking back at the memories, all he's seeing is the good, and he should look again because there are bad ones being overshadowed by the good, which is bound to happen in the human mind.

My advice from the break up was to cut off connections and not talk to each other for a few months. I think it lasted a few weeks, but it was never quite completely detatched. I think this is what hurt them the most. James moved on to another girl, but he never actually moved on. Same with Katie, minus moving on to another girl.

Now, I've been blamed for the break up, I've been blamed for this shit hole, and I can say I understand why it seems that way. When I see my best friend going through a problem, I'm going to find the easiest way out. The easiest way, both times, was to cut off James, be it break up with him, or not get back with him. It seemed logical. It may seem like I'm being selfish and making this my fight because he called me a bitch, but I'm putting Katie first in this, completely. I don't really hold grudges very long, and I let shit blow over. It's how I deal. Confrontation is not big for me. Apparently I'm going to have to put up with confrontation tomorrow though, as it seems James wants to talk, or Katie wants us to anyway.

I just hope he listens because I have a lot to say.

I wish I was better at expressing everything that I feel, in a creative, English major sort of way. I could go on about this for a while, but I'm just tired. Mentally, emotionally, physically. I'll probably write more once it's over with. I won't have closure until there is an ending, no matter which it is. I'll be happy either way.

In the end, the friend consensus on Katie's side= No Go (or so I hear)