Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TV trouble

It's almost the end of the semester....weird.

I'm getting all excited for the house next year. It's going to rock. I got my parking pass today, South Lot!!

So my dad has this idea that I NEED a new/bigger TV since I'm going to have a living room next year. That's all fine and dandy, and if it does happen, everyone in the house will be happy because all we have are little TV's. The only problem is that Katie and I want it on our floor, sans video games so that we can watch TV and movies. The boys want it upstairs with video games so they can, well, play video games. The minute I heard that they thought the nicer screen should be used for video games, my heart kind of exploded. I really want to share the TV with everyone, but if it's going to be taken over by video games and mess, then not so much. I don't want to be stingy, I don't want everyone who has lived in the house for two years to hate me, so I came up with my own answer to the problem. Since Katie and I are moving in first, minus Gordon, we will put the TV on our floor. When everyone else moves in, they can put their video game stuff there, but they can't leave messes. That would be the one thing that bugs me the most. I think it would work, and also maybe keep the boys from playing them all the time since they're living upstairs and won't be walking by them all of the time. My other problem with it being upstairs was that upstairs could potentially be the party floor. I don't really trust my new TV around a bunch of drunk people.

That's the second thing that's bugging me. It's a duplex, so I feel like we are segregated in a bad way. I keep saying "My floor, our floor" but it's not supposed to be like that. It's one house, and I really want it to feel that way. I really want this house to work, but if a TV is going to be that big of a problem, then ugh. I just want to have a huge house meeting to talk about stuff.

I don't really want to leave, but I kind of do. This semester just needs to end. I'm not really looking forward to 8 am classes, but whatever. Okay. Byee

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Human rights....HUMAN!!!

I've been thinking about religion a lot lately.

I've been getting a bit more active with it, not just because it makes Gordon happy, but because it makes us stronger, and it makes me feel good. Yes, I believe in God.

I have also been thinking about what religion, or Christianity for that fact, really is and means; what I agree with, what I don't. For instance, I agree that everyone is loved by God and I disagree that this excludes homosexuals. Why are they not part of "everyone"? They're people, humans, living breathing beings. I just watched a movie on Youtube called "The Bible Told Me So". It's about people's concept of Homosexuality being a sin. I was already
all for gay rights, but this cleared everything up about what the bible says, and the common misconceptions that conservative religious people have about it. Here's a link if anyone cares to watch it. It's got 9 parts and a finale:

That movie almost made me cry. Gay rights is something that I feel strongly about. I'm not an all out activist, but if I need to speak out, or do something, I will.

So, this is what I'm leading into. I always thought to be a Christian, you had to believe in God and Jesus, and just be a good, accepting, and loving person. That i
s my definition. I don't feel that as a Christian, you should take the bible literally for what it says. It needs to be interpreted and looked at for it's deeper meaning and taken into consideration the time period in which it was written. I mean, a couple stanzas away from the "no man shall lay with another" one, it states that every time a woman menstruates, she has to sacrifice two turtle doves. I mean, really? I'm sorry, but I just can't do that.

Another thing that bothers me is that many Christians believe that their beliefs are the only way. I went to a large group meeting a few weeks ago, and the speaker said that she prayed for her friend who was Muslim, that she would find Jesus. I shook my head when she said that. I don't think it is our right or responsibility to change someone's beliefs. If they are happy with where they are, leave them alone. No one really knows what is right. Missions are okay...if the people you are going to work with don't already have beliefs!

I really liked the pastor who came to my first large group meeting. He said he was leaving his church because the people there didn't really care about doing God's work and what not. They just went to church because it was the social norm. I agreed with everything he said. It's not about judging people, it's about being a good person and doing the right thing, while keeping God's work in mind.

I feel like I have more to say, but I think it's all written out for now. As I said before, I believe in God and in Jesus, and I consider myself a Christian. I just have my own definition and beliefs when it comes to "Christianity" as a whole. I'm going to keep exploring and working at this, and hopefully find exactly what I want to.

On a different note, Gordon is in a mini play. It's the Buffy musical, and he has to kiss another girl. That girl being Bron. I was initially not very excited since they almost had a thing way way back, but I've realized that Bron is one of my best friends and I'm dumb to even get uncomfortable about it. It's theater for God's sake. But it's normal to feel uncomfortable. I hope I get over it, I really want to go see it so I can support them.

I'm really excited for the house next year. It's going to be so cool.

I register next week for classes.

Gordon's sister Lauren got me a bracelet from Mexico. I feel loved :)

Spanish prueba to study for!