Saturday, June 19, 2010

Money should grow on trees please.

I can't make up my mind about what I want to do tonight. I can either go to Strongsville for a swing dance (lindy hop!), or I can hang out with Andrew. The latter being free of cost, it is quite enticing. Or I could hang out with Katie, which I should do. I also need to go Father's Day shopping. I really want to get better at lindy, learn new moves and stuff. The dance costs $7, and currently I have $9 in my purse. I'm low on money this month, and I'm going to try to be as frugal as I can since I'm going to need money to fix my car, and spend on KI this week. Tommy's getting some new belts, his are busting so he's making a squealing sound and it's so annoying! Dude estimates it will be about $100. My parents said they'd pay half (thank God).

KI camping is this coming Friday! I'm excited. It's me, Katie, Ryan, Andrew, and Kelley. Andrew's coming on Saturday though since he has to work on Friday. I think we'll have fun. Katie's afraid that I'm going to leave her all alone, but I promise I won't. I feel bad that she feels neglected :( I thought I was getting better at the bff thing, but I guess I'm not. I'm just not good at managing my time fairly. We need to go food shopping and figure out how much everyone needs to pay me/for the trip. I think it will all work out grand :)

I went to see Toy Story 3 last night. I cried! It was so sad at the end, but it was such a good movie. I completely loved it. Toy Story rules!

So, before I said that Gordon was calling me more than last summer. Yeah, not so much anymore. Apparently the more he talks to me, the more he misses me. Well it just so happens that the less he talks to me, the more I miss him. Lose-lose situation. Not happy. There's like 63 days or something till we get to Woo. I'm just so excited about the house, and everything. When I get there, I'm just going to frolic around the quad because I love it so much.

My job at Victoria's Secret is going well. I hope I get more hours though. My last paycheck was $46 or something. Not good for living on, but it was just from training. I had about 5 and a half hours yesterday, so that's good. I only work Wednesday next week, but I'm also on call. Hopefully I'll get called in. I applied at the Tradesman Tavern on State Rd. for a serving position. I figure if I get hired, two jobs won't be so bad.

Not much else to say. I'm going to try to get some summer ambitions accomplished. Maybe pick up the guitar, be able to touch my toes, and do more athletic things. Yeah, let's do that. Also, lots of reading to do. I have some fiction, and then I'm going to try to figure out my JR IS topic.

Here's a picture from the Wooster Swing Ball. I loved that dance so much. I'm so proud of it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's not a jawbreaker.

I need to get over myself. I feel like a mother who can't let her child go away to college. Ryan is my child and new girls equal college. He tells me about new girls he's thinking of dating or whatever, but I just don't feel like they are good enough for him. I don't know why. Yeah, he's my ex, but he's also one of my best friends, and like a brother. I want to be happy for him, but I think there's something missing or unsaid that needs to be talked about first. I think I'm being selfish. I want to be happy for him, and I want to get over myself.

I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. My left cheek is much more swollen than the right one, so I look a bit asymmetrical. I wasn't feeling the best yesterday and ended up throwing up. I was not happy about that part, but otherwise, I got over it pretty well. Hopefully the swelling goes down by tomorrow since I might have to work.

Speaking of work, I fainted on my last day of training. We're not sure why, so I had some blood drawn yesterday before I got my teeth out, so we'll find out tomorrow or Friday I guess. I'm on call tomorrow, I hope I work. I hope to pick up more hours!! I'm so jealous of Katie, she's making so much money this summer!

I'm thinking of going to the student ID night at the Indian's Game this Friday. It would be fun, but it would probably be only me and Nick, unless Kelley and Carrie came. I'm just afraid Nick would be hitting on either of them the whole time. Lame.

Gordon has started swing lessons, which go till midnight my time, I think. I keep wanting to call him, but he's at lessons. It makes me miss him a lot.

I want to make an "I hate..." video. They seem funny, and there are a few things that I hate. Maybe I'll do that next week when my mom isn't home.

My summer is basically planned out. Hopefully I get all of the days off that I requested....eek!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not Plan B, or Planned Parenthood

It's FINALLY June. May felt like forever!

I'm really missing Gordon today, but maybe that's because my hormones are a-ragin' because it's boat week. Ow, my ovaries hurt! He's working on all kinds of stuff this summer, stressful stuff, and I wish I could just spend a summer with him. I also really want to help him figure out his future. I'm not sure if he wants to or not. I straight out told him that he needs to since he has no idea what grad school he wants to go to. I'm worried about our relationship after this year, not just worried, curious. So I told him he needs to figure everything out, and he said he appreciated/needed the nudge. He's not very future oriented, or planning oriented, and I am. That's where we differ, but complement each other. I pretty much have my life figured out through grad school, and I want to share that plan with him, maybe include him in it. But it ultimately depends on his decisions since he's graduating first. I'm not going to hugely alter mine to meet his though.

Anywho, I got hired at Victoria's Secret! I had my first day of three of orientation (or onboarding), and I have my second one tomorrow. I get to learn how to fit a bra, and then I get a free one! I actually felt sexier just getting ready for work, it was weird.

My mom's cousin David died this week. He was 22, and apparently he had a drug overdose. He has had a hard life, and it was really sad to visit him since he looked, and was, so young. It's an eye opener to the things that drugs can do to you, and I hope all of his friends can learn from it. He will be missed. The good thing that came out of it is that he was able to donate his organs, saving other people's lives. This was very important to his mom and sister. It's hard seeing a young person die. It scares you, and it just hits you hard.

This week I'm babysitting for my mom's friend from work. I'm making just about enough money to pay off my car insurance. Ugh.

Katie and I are planning a Kelley's Island camping trip. I'm really excited. It's been three years since I've been there and I really just want to go with all of my friends and have a good time. So sad that Gordon can't be there :( I just have to take off of work that weekend. The only problem is that it coincides with the house/dog sitting week, oh well!

I bought a lottery ticket today. I hope I win. I kinda really wish I had money, but who doesn't. I'd still live a cheapish life.

I've finally started looking up topics for my JR IS. Hooray for public library databases! I also have four books to read this summer. Better get going!!

This summer I have been slacking with the working out. I think it's because I'm either really lazy, or I'm just more confident in my body. Either way, I FEEL lazy.

Planning is great. All I want to do is plan. Plan KI, plan the house, plan my future, plan Gordon's future (he's not too happy about that lol).

Katie and I went swing dancing for the first time this summer. It was fun, we were cute. I wish I had an actual good lindy dance. I miss Gordon's dancing :(

I told my Papa that I want he and Nana's wedding picture. I just realized how much I like it and that I want a copy of it. I hope he doesn't forget to give it to me, or that he didn't lose it.

I kind of want to hang out with my townie friend, Chris. He's really funny. I'd have to drive out to Woo though, but whats so bad about Woo?!

The countdown is at about 80 days! Hooray?

P.S. I've added links on the side of all of my blogs that will take you to my other blogs. A way of connecting them, I really needed it. I want the flow of my followers? Or something.