Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not Plan B, or Planned Parenthood

It's FINALLY June. May felt like forever!

I'm really missing Gordon today, but maybe that's because my hormones are a-ragin' because it's boat week. Ow, my ovaries hurt! He's working on all kinds of stuff this summer, stressful stuff, and I wish I could just spend a summer with him. I also really want to help him figure out his future. I'm not sure if he wants to or not. I straight out told him that he needs to since he has no idea what grad school he wants to go to. I'm worried about our relationship after this year, not just worried, curious. So I told him he needs to figure everything out, and he said he appreciated/needed the nudge. He's not very future oriented, or planning oriented, and I am. That's where we differ, but complement each other. I pretty much have my life figured out through grad school, and I want to share that plan with him, maybe include him in it. But it ultimately depends on his decisions since he's graduating first. I'm not going to hugely alter mine to meet his though.

Anywho, I got hired at Victoria's Secret! I had my first day of three of orientation (or onboarding), and I have my second one tomorrow. I get to learn how to fit a bra, and then I get a free one! I actually felt sexier just getting ready for work, it was weird.

My mom's cousin David died this week. He was 22, and apparently he had a drug overdose. He has had a hard life, and it was really sad to visit him since he looked, and was, so young. It's an eye opener to the things that drugs can do to you, and I hope all of his friends can learn from it. He will be missed. The good thing that came out of it is that he was able to donate his organs, saving other people's lives. This was very important to his mom and sister. It's hard seeing a young person die. It scares you, and it just hits you hard.

This week I'm babysitting for my mom's friend from work. I'm making just about enough money to pay off my car insurance. Ugh.

Katie and I are planning a Kelley's Island camping trip. I'm really excited. It's been three years since I've been there and I really just want to go with all of my friends and have a good time. So sad that Gordon can't be there :( I just have to take off of work that weekend. The only problem is that it coincides with the house/dog sitting week, oh well!

I bought a lottery ticket today. I hope I win. I kinda really wish I had money, but who doesn't. I'd still live a cheapish life.

I've finally started looking up topics for my JR IS. Hooray for public library databases! I also have four books to read this summer. Better get going!!

This summer I have been slacking with the working out. I think it's because I'm either really lazy, or I'm just more confident in my body. Either way, I FEEL lazy.

Planning is great. All I want to do is plan. Plan KI, plan the house, plan my future, plan Gordon's future (he's not too happy about that lol).

Katie and I went swing dancing for the first time this summer. It was fun, we were cute. I wish I had an actual good lindy dance. I miss Gordon's dancing :(

I told my Papa that I want he and Nana's wedding picture. I just realized how much I like it and that I want a copy of it. I hope he doesn't forget to give it to me, or that he didn't lose it.

I kind of want to hang out with my townie friend, Chris. He's really funny. I'd have to drive out to Woo though, but whats so bad about Woo?!

The countdown is at about 80 days! Hooray?

P.S. I've added links on the side of all of my blogs that will take you to my other blogs. A way of connecting them, I really needed it. I want the flow of my followers? Or something.

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