Monday, May 24, 2010

Being juvenile is not attractive

I've decided that this summer is much more active for my blogging than last summer.

First off, let me say that I have a job interview at Victoria's Secret tomorrow! I am so excited! I'd be ecstatic to get a job at both AE and VS, but whatever! Hopefully I'll get hired. I'm pretty sure about what NOT to say....I think. Wish me luck, pray for me, whatever you do, do it!

This is Miranda, my favorite VS model. She's adorable.

Also, I've decided to try to do the dog-sitting job, and that I want to try to go to a Latin-American country next summer to volunteer.

So, the reason that I decided to write this entry, is my complete and utter annoyance. This annoyance is at my sister and her acquaintances. She has this boyfriend/boy toy (we'll call him, Abe). He says he loves her, yet he really likes to sleep with other girls. I don't really get why she puts up with it, or can even stand it, but she keeps going back to him. Now, Abe's ex-girlfriend (let's call her Eliza) hates my sister for dating Abe, or something. I'm not really sure where the hate comes from, and that's half of what annoys the crap out of me! These two girls are going at each others throats, going so low as to call each other dirty names or make fun of one another, over Abe. I'm not really sure why, since he is the one doing all of the cheating and sleeping around. It's a real-life version of "John Tucker Must Die", except in the end, the girls never realize that it's the boy who is at fault. This situation is really annoying me because my sister is doing badly in school, it's making people hate her, and it's making her unhappy. For me, by junior year, no one really hated anyone, there wasn't any drama, and high school was kind of a breeze. I'm annoyed that she is having such a rough time, and that she won't listen to any of us with clear minds, telling her this is not healthy. She was also not brought up like this. Our mom taught us to be strong, independent women, and to not depend on any guy. If Gordon cheated on me, chances are, he'd be out the door. All I'm hearing is blaming between the two girls, and they're not seeing any outcome. Hm, I wonder why! I'm also annoyed that Alyse lets Abe treat her like he does. I mean, he's nice, but he cheats on her, and he's not very practical (not the word I'm looking for, but I'm tired of thinking). She'll say that a guy on TV is hot, then he'll get mad and leave. There are other situations too, but I've forgotten. I'm completely and utterly tired of this situation. It has exhausted me, and if I hear about it one more time, I might snap. I really just want to get all three of them together and yell in their faces how I feel. This stupid triangle isn't going to enhance their lives. Once they graduate, they'll probably never see each other again, meet somebody much better in college, and move on. I can only hope for that for Alyse. She needs to get away from the boys, and move on to the men of college. I really just want to scream at them and let them know how stupid they look to everyone on the outside! This is pathetic, bullshit, and juvenile. I'm sick of it, I'm done with it, and I'm throwing in my towel.

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