Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Friday for the books....

Last night was the "Wooster's Last Hoorah Swing Ball". It was AWESOME! I could not have asked for anything better (well, maybe I should have ordered more water). The band was Hepcat Revival, and they were phenomenal. We had so many people come. Our friends from Baldwin-Wallace, kids from Oberlin, Case, Dayton, and just Cleveland swingers in general. Our lindy hop teachers also came, which we were really excited about. The event was an all around win, and I'm just so proud of it. The only real problems were that we ran out of water, and they turned off the air conditioning (duh, we're having a dance people...). I don't really have any pictures yet, but once some get put up, I'll post one.

At the late night blues party afterwards, Gordon, Nick, and I were talking about how our groups need more opportunities to go dancing. Nick said he'd like it if colleges hosted a dance every month, which prompted me to think that maybe the hosting could rotate between colleges, like BW host, then Wooster, then Case, etc. I'm really excited about the idea and I hope to be able to pull it off next year.

Rita is leaving us after this year to go to Nursing school :( She's our event coordinator, and we need someone to take over. I told Gordon that I could possibly take over since I'm pretty much in contact with a lot of the people and I feel like I did pretty well planning this dance.

Bron might also be resigning as VP since she's always really busy and doesn't really have time for planning. She's still going to be very involved with the group, but it's understandable for her to step down. We're hoping Carrie could possibly pick up the job.

We made a lot of new contacts at the dance, many teachers giving us info/offering to teach us blues and stuff. We made a lot of new friends and overall the experience was great. I'm kind of hoping that we can take a huge trip to another state to go dancing or something. I'd be really excited. It probably would not be funded by Campus Council which gives us our allocated money for the year. But hey, if it's not too expensive, I think people would be willing to go.

Alright, finals are coming up, and I need to study. I've been sleeping all day because I went to bed at 3 and I'm so achy. But it was SO WORTH IT!!!

I love the Let's Dance! Society with all of my heart <3

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