Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, no beer...

Here are my new years resolutions. Goodbye 2009, hello 2010. Now I can say "Twenty ten". Woo! I'll probably add more once the events of the night have passed.

*Drink More Water- Absolutely essential to my well being. Legit.

*Zumba!- I bought the DVD, might as well utilize it, plus it's a fun way to stay in shape.

*Work out at the PEC at least once a week- Or something.

*Be able to touch my toes!- I really want to be flexible so I can do dance moves that are more difficult. Plus it sucks being the only one who can't touch their toes in the room. To do this I'll need to stretch every day. I've already started.

*Have BFF talks- These don't always happen, just she and I. They need to, I think it will help with her resolution, and it will make us stronger :)

*Stop biting my nails- This has been my resolution for like the past four years. I'm trying really hard, I swear.

*Save up money- I'm pretty good at saving money, but this year I'll need to ration it out for things like gas and car insurance.

I might add more as I think of them, but by then they'll just be personal goals.

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