Saturday, February 6, 2010

The most hectic two weeks of my life!

These past two weeks have been so incredibly hectic...if you couldn't tell from the title of this post...Well, the showcase was a huge part of the stress. Planning it, casting it, scheduling it. I'm so glad that part is all over. Now all that we have are practices. I'm in 3 dances. Hopefully I'll be good at picking up choreography, and at balancing my time (I'm usually good with that second part). Gordon and I need to finish up our choreography. It's almost done. We're working on it tonight. We scheduled the tango lessons (finally), after waving money in the teachers face. I'm not too interested in tango, but I'm going to do it anyway. I also designed t-shirts for the Let's Dance Society. I'm excited for them!

So, we were planning on living in a house (Gordon's socialist house to be exact), next year, and it all seemed like it would work, in my mind at least, but then a few of the current residents seemed turned off to the idea. So, I talked to Katie and we decided that it would be best for everyone if we didn't live there. Then Jake talked me back into it. So hopefully, next year Katie, Joe, John, and I will be joining the socialist house :) It will be quite an adventure.

We went to the Bohemian last Saturday and it was AMAZING. I wore my new dance shoes and they couldn't have been better. I'm completely in love with them, and I only got one blister! Nick Pankuch was there which was awesome because we haven't seen him in forever. He's coming to Wooster supposedly next Friday to teach us the Shim Sham! Yay :)

Hm, what else. Gordon and I have been doing more couply things to get a stronger relationship methinks. I dont' remember if I talked about it, but a few weeks ago we hit a rough spot with his emotional openness. But we worked that out, we went on a dinner date Tuesday, and he finally learned some of the facts about my religion, Catholicism. We're going to have a Catholic party though, aka some of my friends who are Catholic, Gordon, and I will go to mass on Sunday, so he can see what we're all about. *sigh of relief*

There was a fierce creatures party at Aultz house last night. It was pretty cute lol. I was a kitty :) Bron and Paul came and we hung with them for a while. But yeah, nothing too exciting.

I've been doing okay in my classes. We'll see how my test turns out for Quant on Tuesday, as well as my Spanish prueba. I've also been looking into the deaths of young people around me that I kind of knew, like Dan Schnoor and Darren Perez. They were so young when they died, and I just became curious about them again. I don't know why. Reading all of the news things about them just makes me sad, it's the sadness I didn't really feel when they actually died...and I'm just feeling it now.

I can't really think of much more to write about. I keep thinking about shoes that I want to buy. It's just one pair of cowboy-ish boots. I'm really considering them.

Valentine's day is coming up! Hopefully it's awesome, but not over the top haha.

I got "House and Philosophy" from the library, I love House :)

We need to watch a movie this weekend, like actually, AND the Superbowl.

That's all for now, per usual, I'll update if needbe.

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