Sunday, October 11, 2009

No boys allowed

So, I'm trying to accomplish my Spanish homework, but I'm constantly being distracted. Whether it be by Facebook, thoughts in my head, or helping friends out, I'm constantly distracted. This time, I was helping out Andrew with some girl problems. I really like helping him with these things, it makes me feel like he loves me and appreciates me. He's such a big brother to me. Kind of....haha.

But anyway. I was sitting here trying to do my Spanish, when I started thinking about our friendship. When I get married, am I supposed to not hang out with him alone anymore? I know that by the time you're married, you don't really have time to "hang out", but what happens? I've heard that it's not really proper to spend the day with other men, but the majority of my friends are guys. Not that I should really be worrying about this, but it was just a thought. Whatever. It just popped into my head.

Anywho, Wooster had their first night game last night. We lost, but it was fun.

We moved our room around again. This time it's much more functional.

I think I'm going to start blogging random ideas that I get, not just for updates. Or maybe I should start a whole new blog for my random ideas...nah.

That's all for now...I think....

I need a picture with Andrew.

K bye!

P.S. My pityriasis rosea has spread a little bit to my arms, but at least it's fall and it's sleeve weather. It's also gotten a bit more prevalent in darkness. I guess we'll see how this develops. So far it's about week 2.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's a pity, literally

So, I have this rash or something called Pityriasis Rosea. It just showed up one day, and it started with one spot that looked like a bug bite on my stomach, and it spread to my chest. I feel really ugly, so I'm never taking my clothes off again. lol. It doesn't itch or hurt, no one knows what causes it, and apparently it will last for a few weeks. Damn......

On a better note, I'm more enthusiastic about my flute audition which is tomorrow. I also finally changed my cartilage earrings! Yay! They kind of hurt, but hopefully they'll heal. I also bought some cute boots! Yay again!

I hung out with Andrew this weekend. I think he actually misses me when I'm gone. I love Andyrew, he's my big brother lol.

Okay, off to finish packing.

This obviously isn't me, and mine is nowhere near that severe, but here it is.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm on fall break, and I'm not feeling very enthusiastic about my flute audition coming up on Wednesday. I know that I have to practice practice practice, but I don't feel like I do as well unless there's a director there, telling me what to do. (Not that they're going to see the music anyway, so if I mess up on a couple of rhythms, who will know?!). I'm going to try and practice my ass off tonight, tomorrow, and Tuesday.

Fall break isn't going exactly how I thought it would. I thought I was going to hang out with friends, go see Toy Story in 3D, etc. But no :( I'm sitting at home on my new mattress either sleeping, or playing my flute. Perk of today is that I Love Lucy is on all day. Bad part is there's no tv in my room. Lame.

I miss Gordon, and it's been like 2 days, ugh.

I bought a new shirt at American Eagle. I'm pretty darn excited. It's so cute. And I got 4 free movie tickets for paying with my credit card. Yay! Hence, I want to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, but no one is giving me the okay.

I think most of this is stupid hormones from boat week. Lame. I need to fold towels. Lamer. Ugh. It's also gloomy out, which makes me down.

I applied for a job at the American Eagle at Parmatown, I think just to be safe, I'll apply at the one at Southpark, and if they have one at Great Northern.

I'm trying to find a sailor costume for halloween that isn't too skanky, but looks cute. We're going to the Bohemian, so I want to dress up :)I'm also looking for boots, and I found a pair of swing shoes! They're so cute but they're up to $85 so I have to wait till Christmas. Lame! lol

Okay, goodbye.