Monday, November 30, 2009

Brains brains brains

Lately I've been feeling like my brain isn't quite up to par where it used to be. I've been having headaches (which my mom attributes to not drinking enough water), and I haven't been doing so great grammatically when I speak. Like today I said "There is bubbles". I also noticed that when I play my flute, the right side of my face droops or something. It just looks weird, maybe it's bad form. I might just be imagining it all, and maybe it's just the fact that I'm in CSD courses and I'm learning about all of these things, but I'm not sure. I also felt depressed over break, but I think it's because I was hormonal and missed Gordon. I'm going to try to eat healthier, do brain stimulating things, and exercise more often. Hopefully I will feel that I'm back to where I was. I just started worrying that I've been adding on to brain damage by going head first into that cement block in 8th grade, riding the Millenium Force and blacking out, and inhaling helium amongst other things. I also started worrying about my hearing. I don't want to be a deaf SLP, but I think I'm overreacting. A lot!

I'm thinking of buying SLPish books that Dr. Furey has pulled out during class, like Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology. I'm interested :)

I need to start studying for finals now. Spanish is the doozy, and possibly Phonetics as well. Okay. Off to study now. I need a healthy brain to do well on finals!

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