Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, no beer...

Here are my new years resolutions. Goodbye 2009, hello 2010. Now I can say "Twenty ten". Woo! I'll probably add more once the events of the night have passed.

*Drink More Water- Absolutely essential to my well being. Legit.

*Zumba!- I bought the DVD, might as well utilize it, plus it's a fun way to stay in shape.

*Work out at the PEC at least once a week- Or something.

*Be able to touch my toes!- I really want to be flexible so I can do dance moves that are more difficult. Plus it sucks being the only one who can't touch their toes in the room. To do this I'll need to stretch every day. I've already started.

*Have BFF talks- These don't always happen, just she and I. They need to, I think it will help with her resolution, and it will make us stronger :)

*Stop biting my nails- This has been my resolution for like the past four years. I'm trying really hard, I swear.

*Save up money- I'm pretty good at saving money, but this year I'll need to ration it out for things like gas and car insurance.

I might add more as I think of them, but by then they'll just be personal goals.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Blue Christmas

It's been about a month since I've written a blog, so I'd say it's about time we do this again. I've been home for about two weeks and they've been going so slowly! Today is Christmas, and I've been waiting for it because it marks the halfway point to me getting back to Wooster. I got some nice gifts (my swing shoes still aren't here!), and I'm pretty happy with everything. Alyse and my mom had a fight (per usual) and I got bummed out, so that was the only negative thing.

I got a car finally!!! It's a dark green Mazda Protege. I love it. His name is Tommy like the green Power Ranger. I've had to do some fixin' up on him, but he's coming along. I paid $4000 for him and so far I've been very happy with him.

I got red lipstick for Christmas and it makes my teeth look kind of yellow, so I think I might whiten them before I go back to school (I say that now...ha).

I've been working at AE, and getting my discounts worth. I had 14+ hours this week. I'm going to be rich! Not.

I saw Big Bad Voodoo Daddy in concert with some swing friends. It was great :)

I really don't have much to talk about. It's been forever, but I guess I"ll just add some later. Yeah. K bye.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Brains brains brains

Lately I've been feeling like my brain isn't quite up to par where it used to be. I've been having headaches (which my mom attributes to not drinking enough water), and I haven't been doing so great grammatically when I speak. Like today I said "There is bubbles". I also noticed that when I play my flute, the right side of my face droops or something. It just looks weird, maybe it's bad form. I might just be imagining it all, and maybe it's just the fact that I'm in CSD courses and I'm learning about all of these things, but I'm not sure. I also felt depressed over break, but I think it's because I was hormonal and missed Gordon. I'm going to try to eat healthier, do brain stimulating things, and exercise more often. Hopefully I will feel that I'm back to where I was. I just started worrying that I've been adding on to brain damage by going head first into that cement block in 8th grade, riding the Millenium Force and blacking out, and inhaling helium amongst other things. I also started worrying about my hearing. I don't want to be a deaf SLP, but I think I'm overreacting. A lot!

I'm thinking of buying SLPish books that Dr. Furey has pulled out during class, like Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology. I'm interested :)

I need to start studying for finals now. Spanish is the doozy, and possibly Phonetics as well. Okay. Off to study now. I need a healthy brain to do well on finals!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lonely turkey

This Thanksgiving break is horrible because I am so hormonal, and therefore, lonely and overreacting to things. I feel like Gordon is ignoring me or something, but really, I just need to give him a chance to miss me. I mean, I HAVE been trying to talk to him all the time. I just miss him a lot. I hope things aren't changing :( I think I'm going to plan something romantic for us, just to change things up a bit.

We're making pumpkin dump cake this year, it's going to be delicious. I get to work tomorrow too. I'm pretty excited. Hopefully I don't have to work on Sunday because that's when we're going to Mentor.

Okay, just updating, so I'll probably write more later. I can't wait to go back. I need a warm hug.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I now understand what they're talking about in Racism 101

Today, I felt what it is like to be discriminated against. My boyfriend's parents don't approve of our relationship because I don't call myself a Christian. Now I have nothing against his parents, and I would love for them to get to know me better and vis versa. The thing I don't understand is, shouldn't people who are already "Christians" take the hand of someone who doesn't know the light of God and show them the way, instead of discriminating against them. This was always what I was taught. I know that I don't affiliate myself with religion, but I do attend church every now and then. I will confess, I haven't felt religious since about 7th grade, my life was just turned around, and I'm not quite sure how or why. This in no way means that I'm not open for finding that part of me agian.

I completely broke down at hearing that I was not approved of. One of the highest wants of a girlfriend is for her boyfriends parents to like her. I am an open-minded, liberal person. I'm am open for learning new things. I have kind heart, a warm disposition, I'm very positive, and I always thought of myself as a great people person. I would like to know what makes me undesirable to a parent, besides the fact that I don't practice religion right now. I just can't describe my distraut feelings and my utter shock.

I know that religion is a big part of their lives, but I want to be too. That's tough competition.

I believe that if your child loves someone and they can express this to you, you should honor their hapiness, no matter that persons religion, affiliation, whatever. Maybe I will find God one day, or whatever. Maybe Gordon will be the one to show it to me. I would really love for him to be the one.

I'm just really let down, and I want this feeling off of my chest. It's killing me :(

I may end up writing more, depending on what I'm thinking the rest of the day/week/forever.

Friday, November 6, 2009

No voy a ir al Espana

So I've decided that I'm not going to study abroad next year. My heart isn't really in it and I keep feeling like I'll miss things. Plus, I think I'd rather go to a foreign country for about 2 weeks rather than 5 months. I would love to travel somewhere like Spain, but the time is just too much for me.

One downside is that I won't be able to work on my Spanish fluency as well as if I had gone. I'm going to try to live in the Spanish suite in Luce next year so I can try to up my fluency. Apparently there are some grad schools that give bilingual SLP's free rides and such. Most of them are out west. Hey, Gordon lives out west ;) haha, but I'm not going to base my future off of him. That makes me seem dependent and he doesn't like thinking about the future.

So yeah, I was just doing my Spanish homework and listening to Spanish music and I felt like making my decision about study abroad. I get to do Zumba tomorrow though! I ordered my own Zumba dvd so I don't have to keep borrowing Eva's. I'm excited. Hopefully I'll get really good at it.

I'm trying to be really diligent lately, I got my first A on a test in college! My professor asked me what I did differently. I really don't know. I just need to be more diligent about studying and really focus, especially on Spanish.

I had my advisor meeting the other day. Looks like I have only one CSD class next semester. Kind of sad, but I'm running out of them anyway. It's clinic, and I'll actually have a cute little kid to work with. Hopefully it's the absolutely adorable Asian one :)

That's all for now.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Eagle has landed!

Much has evolved since my last blog! Gordon and I celebrated our One year anniversary on the 21st of October. Can you believe it?! A year! I'm very happy and I see this going on for a while. There were no flowers, he didn't even think of it and he felt bad, so I'm guessing there may be some in the near future...hopefully! It's okay, I still love him.

In other news, I got a job! It's at American Eagle and I get a great employee discount :) And since I have a job, I need to get a car, so I'm working on getting a Mazda Protoge, and it's only got 58,000 miles on it! Hopefully I can get ahold of it. I had my orientation today, and I think I'm going to do very well at my job. Plus it was great because I got to try and jeans and get paid for it!

Last night was Halloween and we went swing dancing (duh!). I was a sailor, and there were many funny characters there. I had a lot of fun and I stayed away from the creepers. Speaking of swing dancing, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is coming to Cleveland, but it's on December 15th, and Gordon will be in far away Cali. Katie will only go with me if I get free tickets, so hopefully that goes through.

I have an 8 page term paper to write for Racism. I chose to write about Ebonics, since it has to do with language, and that's what I do haha.

We had a fun picture taking day outside the other day. It was really nice out, and I found the prettiest orange colored tree outside of Holden Annex, so Katie, Gordon, and I went and had a photo shoot. It was fun. Then yesterday, Gordon and I went downtown just because. It was nice :)

Registering for classes is coming up. I'm not completely sure what I'm taking yet, but it will be up as soon as I know. I wish I could take Spanish phonology, but I have to take this one course first. Lame, plus it's only in the fall. Whatevs.

I've been trying to get my GPA up from last years 2.6 so that I can more easily get into grad school and so I can get cheaper car insurance. I got a C on my phonetics exam which makes me sad because it brought my grade down, plus I thought I was good at Phonetics :( I've yet to see what I got on my Intro to CSD exam, plus on my Spanish quiz.

Apparently my Aunt Chris is taking in a foster child who is a crack baby. It's a great thing for her to do, but with two pre-school/kindergarden aged children, and two teenagers, I think she's going to be a bit over her head. I'm just going to reccomend speech therapy for the kid since most babies with backgrounds like that need therapy.

I wish I had more to talk about, but I really don't. My life is kind of boring. H1N1 shot on Wednesday!! And I'm going to go watch "Clerks" at Gordon's in twenty minutes, plus I need to work on my Ebonics outline.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

No boys allowed

So, I'm trying to accomplish my Spanish homework, but I'm constantly being distracted. Whether it be by Facebook, thoughts in my head, or helping friends out, I'm constantly distracted. This time, I was helping out Andrew with some girl problems. I really like helping him with these things, it makes me feel like he loves me and appreciates me. He's such a big brother to me. Kind of....haha.

But anyway. I was sitting here trying to do my Spanish, when I started thinking about our friendship. When I get married, am I supposed to not hang out with him alone anymore? I know that by the time you're married, you don't really have time to "hang out", but what happens? I've heard that it's not really proper to spend the day with other men, but the majority of my friends are guys. Not that I should really be worrying about this, but it was just a thought. Whatever. It just popped into my head.

Anywho, Wooster had their first night game last night. We lost, but it was fun.

We moved our room around again. This time it's much more functional.

I think I'm going to start blogging random ideas that I get, not just for updates. Or maybe I should start a whole new blog for my random ideas...nah.

That's all for now...I think....

I need a picture with Andrew.

K bye!

P.S. My pityriasis rosea has spread a little bit to my arms, but at least it's fall and it's sleeve weather. It's also gotten a bit more prevalent in darkness. I guess we'll see how this develops. So far it's about week 2.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's a pity, literally

So, I have this rash or something called Pityriasis Rosea. It just showed up one day, and it started with one spot that looked like a bug bite on my stomach, and it spread to my chest. I feel really ugly, so I'm never taking my clothes off again. lol. It doesn't itch or hurt, no one knows what causes it, and apparently it will last for a few weeks. Damn......

On a better note, I'm more enthusiastic about my flute audition which is tomorrow. I also finally changed my cartilage earrings! Yay! They kind of hurt, but hopefully they'll heal. I also bought some cute boots! Yay again!

I hung out with Andrew this weekend. I think he actually misses me when I'm gone. I love Andyrew, he's my big brother lol.

Okay, off to finish packing.

This obviously isn't me, and mine is nowhere near that severe, but here it is.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm on fall break, and I'm not feeling very enthusiastic about my flute audition coming up on Wednesday. I know that I have to practice practice practice, but I don't feel like I do as well unless there's a director there, telling me what to do. (Not that they're going to see the music anyway, so if I mess up on a couple of rhythms, who will know?!). I'm going to try and practice my ass off tonight, tomorrow, and Tuesday.

Fall break isn't going exactly how I thought it would. I thought I was going to hang out with friends, go see Toy Story in 3D, etc. But no :( I'm sitting at home on my new mattress either sleeping, or playing my flute. Perk of today is that I Love Lucy is on all day. Bad part is there's no tv in my room. Lame.

I miss Gordon, and it's been like 2 days, ugh.

I bought a new shirt at American Eagle. I'm pretty darn excited. It's so cute. And I got 4 free movie tickets for paying with my credit card. Yay! Hence, I want to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, but no one is giving me the okay.

I think most of this is stupid hormones from boat week. Lame. I need to fold towels. Lamer. Ugh. It's also gloomy out, which makes me down.

I applied for a job at the American Eagle at Parmatown, I think just to be safe, I'll apply at the one at Southpark, and if they have one at Great Northern.

I'm trying to find a sailor costume for halloween that isn't too skanky, but looks cute. We're going to the Bohemian, so I want to dress up :)I'm also looking for boots, and I found a pair of swing shoes! They're so cute but they're up to $85 so I have to wait till Christmas. Lame! lol

Okay, goodbye.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gloom, gloom, go away

The weather here lately has been horrible. The wind, the rain, the cold, the gloom. It sucks! I want pretty fall weather! Hopefully it will come soon. Well, it's been a while since I've blogged, so I'm gonna try to fill you in on everything. I had a test in my Intro to CSD class, and my Phonetic Transcription and Phonology class. I feel like I did pretty well on both of them. I'll probably get the CSD one back tomorrow. I also had my first Spanish test, last week? Yeah, not so good on that. But I did have a quiz the other day and I got a 95 on it, much better. In Spanish, we had to do a show and tell, and I "showed and telled" pictures of Lillian, and my cousins. I don't know when I'll get the grade for that. I have an oral exam coming up this week too, which means I don't have class! Yay! In most of my classes, I have a lot of days when I don't have to go, either because of seminars, or it's "upperclassmen only", which is great. Fall Break starts on Friday. I have a lot planned out for that.

I have my flute audition on the day I get back from fall break. I'm nervous, because everyone else in that band is really good. I'm going to audition on a song that I've already played, but I'm not sure which one. I have to keep up on my practicing before that audition. I really want to get in, half because they go to New York in the spring, and half because, I just do.

On my birthday, Gordon took me out to "The Old Jaol". It's this fancy restaurant, and it's expensive. He wouldn't let me know how much he spent. It meant a lot to me :) I hope to make it up to him one day.

I have two papers due this week. One is a Spanish letter to a friend about an event in the past. I think I'm just going to write about swing dancing. The other is a position paper for my racism class. I think I'll write that one today.

Let's Dance! has been going very well. My treasurer duties are being fulfilled haha. We're looking into ways to spend our money, and it's all flowing very well.

So, the Perkin's Loan people changed their "loan forgiveness" things the other day. Apparently, if you're a Speech Pathologist, the only way you can have your loan forgiven is if you work in the schools. I really don't want to work in the schools, but if it gets rid of my loans, it might only be a short time period, like a year. Who knows, I may end up liking it. I also learned that to become an SLP, you have to go through a year of supervised therapy before you get your C's. I'm going to look up what the C's stand for. Found it! "Certificate of Clinical Competency". Now I know.

I just copied an invoice and check for someone who got married in Kauke Arch! How beautiful would that be?! Especially if they both went to Wooster ;)! But I'm not implying anything lol. But that is such a great idea. It would have to be a summer wedding, that's for sure.

So, I have a Racism seminar today. Black women in the 1950's or something like that. I'm all about the 50's, as is already known. Then there's a catered lunch afterward, which is just sandwiches, and that stuff. I was thinking about going to Spanish Table in Lowry. I really need to work on my conversational Spanish, but I'm not very motivated to go. I think I should stay in and write my papers.

Okay, I think that's all for now. Back to my Spanish play!

I found a picture of a wedding at Kauke. I don't know these people....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Finally getting to right, feels so write

I've had this insane want to write this week. I didn't really have any papers, or any homework for that matter, and therefore my life is boring. Speaking of classes, so far I'm doing fairly well in Spanish. I have to give a "show and tell" presentation this Friday. It has to be at least 3 minutes long, so I'm talking about Lillian, and possibly my sister/cousins. Hopefully I think of enough to say. I think I'm going to succeed heavily in my Phonetics class as well. I really like it, and I think I'm very good at it. Plus, my Intro to CSD and Phonetics classes sometimes learn the same things, so it's easy. I'm finding that I'm having trouble with my writing, or typing. Like, I'm not using correct morphology. It's weird....I just need to review my papers like crazy now.

Our Power Triple of Doom is booming. We have a lot of silly times, almost every night in fact. Some things may be changing though, and I guess they're for the best. We'll see how everything goes. I also need to catch up with Bron. We're gonna have a girls night eventually.

Work is going well. I'm getting 8 hours in weekly, and next week I might have a few more. I'm going to try to take advantage of "we need people in these hours for this day". I like money, what can I say.

Let's Dance! is going really well. We have A LOT of people. No lie. I'm going to see if we need to re-allocate some money, or try to get more from Campus Council. I'm hoping to get pretty good this year. We're learning Lindy-Hop this semester. Yay! Something else to add to my repertoire.

I'm seriously considering going to Spain now. I get really into it, then one little thing draws me back to not going. The pros outweigh the cons, so I'm going to end up applying in the long run.

I've been turning into the jealous girlfriend a lot lately. Gordon is like the male version of me. He has all kinds of opposite sex friends, and I need to accept that. I still get kind of jealous though, when he dances with Bron, or tries to learn new moves with her. He's also been making lunch dates with other girls (I guess, lunch appointments would be better). But I'm getting over it. Half of it was hormones anyway. I'm not bitching about it. I'm just letting it all out.

I can't wait for parents weekend, so I can finally meet his parents. Then they can meet mine too! Fun fun.

I wish I could write more, because there's really stuff that I wish I could write about, but I can't yet. Eventually, it will all come out. When it's allowed to.

My family is coming down this weekend to take me and Gordon out for our birthdays. Yay! Plus I get to get all of my stuff that I forgot at home, and then some!

My birthday is next week :)

p.s. I decided my profile is kinda boring and I want to add to it, but I don't know what. Oh well!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Classes are in tents!

Classes have started, and boy am I excited. I'm absolutely loving my Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes. They are: Intro to CSD, Spanish 201, and Phonetic Transcription and Phonology. A lot of work is going to come from the phonetics class, but I think I'll really enjoy it. My Tuesday Thursday class is Racism 101. It's kind of intense, and I don't mean the work. It's hard to discuss racism or any kind of race issues when there are people of other races in the room. It's hard to know what not to say, and what's acceptable. My heart beats faster everytime I'm confronted with a question. Otherwise, it's writing intensive, and I have a lot of books to read from. On Thursdays I have Clinic Practicum, which basically gets me ready to work in a clinic with a client. Starting second semester, I'll get to work with a child on some speech therapy! Should be fun!! And of course there's good ol' band.

My room situation finally settled down, and everything is pretty much at ground level. We pretty much lost A LOT of floor space though. I was going to try to figure out how we could get more, but we would have to move the wardrobe, which is pretty freaking impossible.

Gordon and I had a kind of rough understanding of each other, but we have very much gone back to normal. I think he had the notion that I wanted him to marry me, like right now (which I couldn't stop laughing about). I explained to him that I had no such idea, but I do daydream sometimes. It's all worked out, and we're back to being smitten, disgusting, us.

Arielle's brush tried to eat her head! It was a barrel brush, and she was trying to dry her hair, and it got waaaaay stuck. It took Katie and I about 20 minutes to get it out of her hair. I took a picture, but I haven't uploaded it yet. It was pretty exciting.

I have a lot of reading to do, catch up on rather, since I didn't realize I had to have chapter 2 read for CSD. But I do have good news :) I got my work schedule!! I have 8 hours on the schedule, so I'm excited. They say they're going to hire one more person, so our hours might be cut. I'm sure hoping they won't change the hours because that would SUUUUCK! There are plenty of open hours on the schedule.

Okay, off to read my books of language :) I've been listening to Spanish music a lot lately, and I'm really loving Spanish. I get to utilize my abilities more.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Life in The Cock...Babcock that is....

As of Saturday, August 15th, I am moved into my new triple in Babcock. I'm rooming with Katie Kowicki and Arielle Neu, my bestest friends at Wooster (well, Katie's my bff all the time, but anyway). I didn't actually get fully moved in and settled until Sunday and there's still a little bit more to do, but I finally feel like I don't have anymore unpacking to do. My room looks awesome :) Katie has a huge wardrobe, and it kind of creates a sound barrier, so we hear a lot of "What???". We're still working that out haha.

I have been reunited with Gordon, and oh it is glorious. He's being a "jerk" lately though. Whatever. I missed him :)

I found out that I didn't pack my toothpaste. Lame! So Gordon was going to Drug Mart, and he bought me some. Yay!

Band camp is already killing me. I'm a little burnt, but mostly tan, and completely sweaty about 90% of the time. I just can't wait for classes to start and to have a normal schedule. Plus, SWING DANCING!! The freshmen are really cool this year. Some of our freshman friends have yet to move in, but they'll be coming soon. I have also been reunited with Kaitlynn and John, amongst others. Oh what great laughs we have.

There still isn't really much to talk about. But I'm getting my credit card in the mail soon! I want to buy some new Wooster gear :) AND build up points for my AE credit card lol. I'm gonna have 20% of at AE come October. Pumped!

I got one textbook in the mail so far. Like 5 more to go? I hope the library alerts me when my library books come in.....

Oh, Katie and I are getting along really well. I told her it would work out :) This year is going to be awesome, even though Babcock isn't really all it was cracked up to be. It's really hot, there is still a lot of stuff missing or not finished (which I'll give them time with), and there's not washbasin!

Whatever. I'm going to enjoy myself, even if it means going to another dorm to get something done (like going to Bornheutter basement to watch "O' Brother, Where art Thou?" with 15 people).

I defintely miss Andrew's.